
How To Make A Side Scrolling Background Scratch

This article covers a step-by-step process most how to brand a Scrolling Platformer. A scrolling platformer is a type of platformer where the camera follows the player as they move through the level(s).

Coding the Player

To lawmaking the motion of the player, the following scripts need to be made. All scripts in this section are to go in the 'Player' sprite.

Note Note: Variables in caps ( thousand. "Gyre 10" and "Curlicue Y") are global variables, and those lowercase (e.1000. "10" and "y") are made with the "For this sprite just" option selected.
When greenish flag clicked broadcast (Dark-green Flag v) and wait//A way to only need 1 flag block. Flag blocks create lag, so the fewer the better. circulate (Play Game v) and wait//Broadcasts to the other sprites that the game has started  When I receive [Play game v] forever circulate (Reset v) and expect     broadcast (Ready v) and wait     Game On::custom//sets up the variables     repeat until <(Get out)>()>//means the player has either died or won         broadcast (Tick v)     end     if <(Get out)=(win)> then         Win::custom     else         Die::custom//if the player had not won, they would've had to have died     end  define Position go to ten:((x)-(SCROLL Ten)) y: ((y) - (Gyre Y)  define Game On//Run without screen refresh indicate in direction (90) set size to (100)% clear graphic furnishings set [in air five] to (0) set rotation style [left-correct v] set [sy v] to (0) gear up [10 v] to (0) gear up [y v] to (0) set [EXIT v] to () // Null set [SCROLLL X v] to (0) set [SCROLLL Y v] to (0) bear witness  When I receive [Tick v] circulate (Ready v) Tick <key (Right arrow v) pressed?> <key (Up arrow v) pressed?> <key (Left arrow five) pressed?>::custom//checks if a key has been pressed  define Tick <right> <up> <left> if <left> and then//If the left key was pressed, it moves the role player left     Change thespian X past [-8]::custom end if <correct> so//If the correct key was pressed, information technology moves the player right     Change actor 10 by [8]::custom end if <<up> and <(in air)< (4)>> then//If the upwards cardinal was pressed, it checks if they are in the air notwithstanding, if they are non, it makes the histrion jump     set up [sy v] to (16) end change [sy v] by (-i)//Gravity,set it to whatsoever negative number Modify player Y by (sy)::custom//Actually moves the histrion's Y position Examination dying::custom//Checks if the player has hit a danger sprite if <(SCROLL X)<(0)> and so     set [Whorl X v] to (0) terminate if <(Scroll Y)<(0)> and then     set [SCROLL Y v] to (0) end alter [SCROLL Y v] by (round(((y)-(Roll Y))/(ten))) change [Coil X v] past (circular(((x)-(Curl 10))/(5))) Position::custom//Positions the player's location correctly if <(y position) < (-180)> then//If the player has fallen into the abyss     set up [EXIT v] to [die] end  define Alter player Ten by (sx)//Moves the player'south X axis if <(sx::custom)<(0)> and so//If the player is moving left     bespeak in management (-xc)//They point left else     point in direction (90)//They signal correct end change [10 five] by (sx::csutom)//Changes the X variable by the corporeality of movement needed (sx) Position::custom//Positions the player if <touching (platforms 5) ?> then//Will check if the actor has hit a wall, or a gradient     echo (12)//Will check if the wall/slope in question is 12 pixels steep or not         change [y 5] by (1)//Moves the histrion upwards 1 pixel         Position::custom//Positions the player         if <non<touching (platforms v) ?>> then//Then, that ways it was a slope, so we tin end trying             finish [this script v]         finish     terminate     change [y v] by (-12)//Corrects for the 12 that was used to a higher place     repeat until <non<touching (platforms v)?>> //Repeatedly  checks is the player has ran into a wall         if <(sx)>(0)> then //To see if the player is moving left of right             change [x v] past (-one) //The histrion is trying to movement correct, so nosotros need to move left to not get into the wall         else             change [10 v] by (1) //The role player is trying to move left, so we need to move right to stay out of the wall         end         Position::custom //Reposistions the player on the scrolling plane     end end  define Change actor Y by (sy) change [y v] by (sy::custom) //Changes the y variable by an corporeality (sy) alter [in air v] by (one) //This is then that we know if we are in the air, or on the basis. Without this, you would be able to hold leap and just fly. Position::custom //Reposistions the player repeat until <not<touching (platforms v)?>>     if <(sy::custom)>(0)> and then         change [y v] by (-1)     else         modify [y v] by (1)         ready [in air v] to (0)     stop     set [sy five] to (0)     Position::custom end  ascertain Test dying if <touching (Danger v)?> then     set [EXIT five] to [dice] terminate  define Dice gear up [Get out five] to ()//nothing repeat (4)     hide     look (0.1) seconds     show stop wait (0.5) seconds  define Win set rotation style [don't rotate v] repeat (l)     point towards (Portal five)     turn cw (65) degrees     movement ((altitude to (Portal v))/(2)) steps     change size by (-1)     modify [ghost 5] result by (2) end hide modify [LEVEL five] by (1) await (one) seconds articulate graphic effects set rotation mode [left-right v]        

Coding the Platforms Sprite

One time the player's code has been completed, code for the ground sprite (called 'platforms' here) needs to be added in gild to create a scrolling consequence. The post-obit scripts go in the 'platforms' sprite.

when I receive [Tick 5] Position ((x)-(SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y) when I receive [Green flag v] show  define Position (x) (y) go to ten: (x::custom) y: (y::custom) if <<(10::custom)= (x position)> and <(y::custom) = (y position)>> and then     evidence else     hibernate end  When I receive [Setup v] set [x v] to (0) set [y v] to (0) if <(LEVEL)=(1)> then     switch costume to (Level 1 1)     Clone (450) (0) // This clones a new level. This needs to be washed as many times as the number of levels. In this example, 3 is used as an example.     Clone (450) (0)     Clone (450) (0) else     ...::grey // If at that place is another scene then it should exist cloned here using some other if else cake. end  define Clone (x) (y) create clone of (myself 5) change [x v] by (x::custom) change [y 5] past (y::custom) next costume        

Coding the Danger Sprite

To code the danger sprite simply duplicate the "platforms" sprite and replace all the levels with simply the unsafe elements that would injure the thespian.

Note Annotation: Make sure to call the danger sprite "danger" because the script above already makes the thespian sense for a sprite of that name.
when I receive [Tick v] position ((x)-(SCROLL X))((y)-(SCROLL Y))::custom  when I receive [Green flag v] show  when I receive [Reset v] delete this clone  define Position (x) (y) become to x: (x::custom) y: (y::custom) if <<(x::custom)= (x position)> and <(y::custom) = (y position)>> then     show else     hibernate end  when I receive [Setup five] set [10 v] to (0) set [y five] to (0) if <(LEVEL)=(1)> then     switch costume to (Level 1 1)     Clone (450) (0) // This clones a new level, do this as many times every bit the number of levels, in this instance three is used as an instance.     Clone (450) (0)     Clone (450) (0) else     ...::greyness // If in that location is another scene then it should be cloned here using another if else cake. cease  define Clone (10) (y) create clone of (myself v) change [ten v] by (x::custom) change [y v] by (y::custom) adjacent costume        

Coding the Portal

Now that everything is made, a manner to go to the adjacent level needs to be made.

When I receive [Tick v] Position ((x)-(SCROLL X)) (((y) - (Ringlet Y)) + ((([sin 5] of (timer)) *(100))*(20)))::custom if <<(costume [number 5]) = (2)> and <touching (role player v)?>> so     set [EXIT 5] to [win] stop  When I receive [Setup v] prepare [x v] to (0) set [y v] to (0) if <(LEVEL)=(1)> then     switch costume to (Level 1 one)     Position Portal at (450) (180)::custom else     ...::grey // If there is some other scene than the portal needs to be positioned hither using some other if else block. end  ascertain Position Portal at (x) (y) fix [ten 5] to (x::custom) ready [y v] to (y::custom)  define Position (x) (y) become to 10: (10::custom) y: (y::custom) if <<(ten::custom)= (x position)> and <(y::custom) = (y position)>> then     show else     hibernate cease        

Adding Collectibles

Collectibles can be added to the game to make it more than interesting. They are objects that demand to be collected in order to attain a sure goal. The code to make them is shown below:

When I receive [Tick v] Position ((x)-(SCROLL X)) (((y) - (Coil Y)) + ((([sin v] of (timer)) *(300))*(v)))::custom if <touching (player v)?> then     change [COLLECTED v] past (1)     if <(Collected)=(Nerveless MAX)> then         broadcast (Open portal five)         start sound (All coins collected v)     else         start sound (Collect v)     cease     delete this clone end  When I receive [Green flag v] bear witness  when [g five] key pressed set [MOUSE v] to (bring together ((mouse x) + (Ringlet X))(join [,]((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))  When I receive [Reset 5] delete this clone  define Position (x) (y) become to x: (x::custom) y: (y::custom) if <<(x::custom)= (x position)> and <(y::custom) = (y position)>> then     show else     hide end  When I receive [Setup 5] set up [x v] to (0) set [y v] to (0) if <(LEVEL)=(ane)> then     Clone (450) (180)::custom else     ...::grey // If there is another scene than coins need to be cloned here using some other if else block. cease  ascertain Clone (x) (y) set [ten v] to (x::custom) set [y v] to (y::custom) create clone of (myself five) change [Collected MAX 5] by (ane)        

Transforming a Basic Platformer

Often, Scratchers brand basic platformers before they brand a scrolling platformer, and they may want to use their old script to make a scrolling platformer. To do this, the "footing" sprite would move with the thespian. Making a script to practise this is uncomplicated:

when dark-green flag clicked//This goes in the thespian sprite. forever Scroll (((0) - (x position)) * (0.8)) (((-40) - (y position)) * (0.8))//0 and -40 are the desired x and y positions of the player. ...//The basic platformer script goes hither. stop  define Scroll (x) (y)//This goes in the player sprite. change [level ten five] past (round (x))//Circular the variables so the level moves correctly. modify [level y v] past (round (y)) change x by (round (x))//When the level moves, the player must move with it. change y past (round (y))  when green flag clicked//This goes in the ground sprite. forever go to x:(level x) y:(level y) terminate        

Run across Also

  • How to Make a Basic Platformer
  • Advanced Platformer Physics

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