
Instrument To Measure Wind Direction

Weather Instrument Weather condition Element and Measuring Instrument

Element: Wind Speed

Instrument: Anemometer

An instrument which measures wind speed.

Wind Vane

Chemical element: Wind Direction

Instrument: Wind Vane

A device that measures the direction of the air current. It spins on a rod and points in the direction from which the wind blows. The part of the vane that turns into the wind is ordinarily shaped like an arrow. The other end is broad so it volition take hold of the smallest breeze.

Wind Sock

Chemical element: Air current Direction

Instrument: Current of air Sock

A low-cal, flexible cylinder or cone mounted on a mast to show the direction and strength of the wind. Wind sock is ordinarily used at an airport or chemical plant. The cone-shaped handbag opened at both ends so that it extends horizontally as the wind blows through it and indicates the air current direction past pointing away from the wind.

Aneroid Barometer

Element: Atmospheric Pressure

Instrument: Aneroid Barometer

A type of barometer used to measure atmospheric pressure level.

Digital Barometer

Chemical element: Atmospheric Pressure level

Instrument: Digital Barometer

A type of barometer used to measure atmospheric pressure level.


Chemical element: Atmospheric Pressure level

Musical instrument: Barograph

An musical instrument that continuously records and provide a graphical representation of atmospheric pressure.

Campbell-Stoke Sunshine Recorder

Element: Sunshine Duration

Musical instrument: Campbell-Stoke Sunshine Recorder

Campbell-Stokes Pattern Sunshine Recorder employs a glass sphere to focus the sun's rays to an intense spot, which will burn a marker on a curved bill of fare mounted concentrically with the sphere. As the earth rotates the position of the spot moves across the carte. When the sun is obscured, the trace is interrupted. At the terminate of the mean solar day the total length of the fire or trace, less gaps, equals the elapsing of sunshine hours.


Chemical element: Cloud Summit

Instrument: Ceilometer

A ceilometer is a device that uses a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation or other low-cal source to determine the peak of a deject ceiling or a cloud base of operations from the ground. Ceilometers tin also be used to measure the aerosol concentration inside the temper.

Evaporation Pan

Chemical element:

Instrument: Evaporation Pan

A type of evaporation gauge or evaporimeter; it is a pan used in the measurement of the evaporation of water into the atmosphere over specified periods of fourth dimension.


Chemical element: Humidity

Instrument: Hygrometer

An musical instrument used to measure the humidity, or corporeality of water vapour in the atmosphere. The sensing mechanism of the musical instrument can be hair (hair hygrometer), a plate coated with carbon (electric hygrometer), or an infrared sensor (infrared hygrometer).


Element: Humidity

Instrument: Psychrometer

A hygrometer composed of two like thermometers. The bulb of i thermometer is kept wet (by means of a sparse, wet fabric wick) so that the cooling that results from evaporation makes it annals a lower temperature than the dry out-seedling thermometer. When readings are taken simultaneously, it is possible (with the use of psychrometric tables) to determine the relative humidity and dew-point temperature of the air.


Element: Temperature and Humidity

Musical instrument: Thermo-hygrograph

An musical instrument which records the ecology temperature and humidity at the aforementioned time, usually both continually.

Stevenson Screen

Element: Temperature and Humidity

Instrument: Stevenson Screen

A standard shelter for housing four types of thermometers: dry, wet, maximum and minimum. The screen shields the instruments from directly sunlight.

Element: Temperature

Musical instrument: Thermometer

Measures how hot or cold the temper is in (Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F), or Kelvin (Thou)). A traditional thermometer consists of mercury, ruby-red spirit or green spirit in a glass tube and operates on the principle that the liquid expands more than the glass does when heated.

Maximum Temperature

Element: Temperature

Instrument: Maximum Temperature

Maximum temperature has historically been measured with a mercury-in-drinking glass thermometer which has a constriction in the cervix of the thermometer tube. As the air temperature rises mercury is forced past the constriction. However, as the temperature falls the constriction prevents the mercury from returning to the bulb of the thermometer. The height of mercury in the tube remains at that reached at the hottest time of day. The thermometer is reset past gentle shaking.

Minimum Temperature

Chemical element: Temperature

Musical instrument: Minimum Temperature

Alcohol-in-drinking glass thermometers containing a moveable alphabetize are used to manually record minimum temperatures. When the temperature falls, the liquid and index move downwards the column, but when the temperature rises the index remains in the lowest position while the liquid expands upwardly the tube. The position of the index indicates the everyman temperature reached since the last reset - which is achieved by tilting the thermometer, seedling end upward.

Element: Temperature

Instrument: Dry Bulb Temperature

unremarkably referred to as 'air temperature'. When people refer to the temperature of the air they are normally referring to the dry seedling temperature.

Chemical element: Temperature

Instrument: Moisture Seedling Temperature

Wet Bulb temperature can be measured by using a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in moisture muslin. The adiabatic evaporation of water from the thermometer bulb and the cooling outcome is indicated past a "wet bulb temperature" lower than the "dry out bulb temperature" in the air.

The evaporation from the moisture muslin is reduced when air contains more water vapor.

Past combining the dry bulb and wet seedling temperature in a psychrometric chart the land of the humid air can be determined

Manual Rain Gauge Manual Rain Gauge

Element: Rainfall

Instrument: Pelting Estimate

An instrument that measure the corporeality of rain that falls during a given time interval normally in millimetres or inches.  The full amount of rainfall which reaches the ground in a stated period is expressed as the depth to which information technology would embrace the earth if it were all flat and level, and if in that location were no loss past evaporation, or if in that location was no runoff or infiltration.

The standard pelting approximate takes the form of a collector in a higher place a funnel leading to a receiver with some sort of measuring device. Sometimes the amount of rain is poured carefully into a measuring cylinder or dip rods or a ruler dipped into the receiver to make up one's mind the amount.

Automatic Raingauge

Element: Rainfall

Instrument: Automatic Raingauge

Three types of automatic precipitation recorders are in full general use: the weighing recording, the tilting or tipping-bucket blazon and the float type. But the weighing blazon is satisfactory for measuring all kinds of atmospheric precipitation such every bit . The apply of the other two types for the most part is limited to the measurement of rainfall.

Instrument To Measure Wind Direction,


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